About me

I am Ibolya Szilvia Domjan – Ibi, graduate in MSC Exercise and Nutrition science and a Sport Nutritionist. I am also a Level 3 Complementary and Beauty Massage Therapist, and practice Reiki during my treatments.

I am originally from Hungary, I grew up at the border of one of our most beautiful national parks and nature has always been a very important part of my life. My grandad is an expert on herbs and the healing effects of trees. He taught me respect and love of nature. I used to have my own herb and vegetable garden when I was a teenager, and I was proudly selling the vegetables and herbs I grew at our local market during the school summer holidays.

I have been living in England for over eight years. In 2017 I went through a chain of traumatic events that made me realise that there is nothing more important than our health, and I became focused on nature, food, and holistic therapies again in order to heal myself. In 2020 I decided I wanted to help others heal via massage therapy and nutrition. I started this journey by studying and becoming a Massage Therapist, following this I undertook by MSc to become a Sport Nutritionist.

TheiaGoodness is completely dedicated to YOU, it is never about following the latest trend, or providing a short-term “quick” fix, it is purely about YOU and YOUR well-being.

How do we work?

Theiagoodness recognise that well-being is multi-dimensional, encompassing physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects of our lives. Prioritizing nutrition, physical fitness, mental well-being, sleep, and balance contribute to a higher quality of life.

I promote a way of life, which combines methods of diet, traditional exercise, stress reduction, and sleep habits.

Theiagoodness focuses on the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. My goal is to support and optimize the body’s innate healing abilities, promoting wellness and preventing disease.

‘Holistic’ to Theiagoodness also means sustainable. My aim is to show you how to look after yourself, while staying in harmony with your surroundings. This will enable you to learn and apply sustainable ways of doing self-care routines, eat seasonal, mainly locally produced food and develop a diet that is not only beneficial for you, but also to your environment. Over time my goal is to build a strong community which share their own experiences and educate others on how we can all apply sustainability in different fields in our lives.

There is a lot information out there about the correct way of dieting, getting healthy etc. At Theiagoodness I give general advice that can be used by everybody, however in everything I do I also look at your individual specific needs.

Why is our approach important?

Theiagoodness recognise the connection and balance between physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Rather than concentrating on episodic care, it looks at the interaction between different conditions and wellbeing factors to treat a whole person. It aims to prevent, as well as treat, health issues.

Taking a holistic approach to health helps individuals better manage not only the symptoms that arise from conditions like obesity, but also the root causes. These often include repetitive daily motion, inactivity and overwork. Plus, it helps you manage the emotional burden that comes with chronic conditions.

Theiagoodness strongly believe that it is not only important to look after ourselves, but also protect and maintain the physical environment we live in.

I encourage my clients to consume seasonal, local food. It is fresher, tastier and more nutritious as it hasn’t travelled so far. Pesticides, waxes and preservatives are often used to preserve foods that are out of season as vegetables start losing their nutrients straight after they’re picked. So, the quicker they get to your plate the better.

By eating local, seasonal foods you can also help reduce the environmental costs associated with your food.

Although local food can be more expensive, buying in season means you’re getting it at peak supply when it’s at its cheapest.

When you buy locally produced food, the money you spend stays to support local farmers and communities.

More than half of all food waste occurs along the supply chain. Buying locally and in season can help reduce the risk of food becoming waste before it gets to the shelves.

When you get to the shops, keep an eye out for seasonal foods and check the origin labels before you buy.

How is Theiagoodness is different from others?

My clinical science –Exercise and Nutrition Science – education background enables me to use my knowledge about nutrition and how it can be applied to treat various chronic diseases including Diabetes Type 2, Obesity, Cancer, Neurodiversity etc. My knowledge and personal interest in exercise including outdoor sports, different types of yoga, for example Hatha, Asthanga, Bikram and Kundalini yoga enables me to recognise which is the most beneficial for you.

Also, my knowledge on herbs, teas and their application in your diet will help you to support your overall health.